Character is what you are when no one is looking. As Christian parents, we want to raise our children to be like Christ, having the self-discipline to always make the right choices. Bible study is a very practical way to achieve this. Even when children are young, preschool Bible lessons can guide their hearts in the right direction.
Is it too early to begin character building preschool Bible Lessons?
The short answer is – No, it’s never too early. Even when they are babies, we can begin envisioning the qualities we want our children to develop as adults. We can then sow the seeds of these good qualities in the preschool years when children are more receptive to accept correction. Moreover, preschool Bible lessons can teach obedience, attentiveness, and diligence – qualities that will set your child up for a lifetime of academic success.
How to begin character building preschool Bible Lessons?
The best way to begin is by reading the Bible out loud to your child. Some people think that the Bible is too boring for young children, but this is just not true. Easier passages can be read using expressions. Simple stories can be narrated in child-friendly language.
We can also show our children how to apply these stories in their life. The simplest way to do this is to correct using scripture. Your preschool Bible lessons can reflect the values your child is struggling with. For example, if your child struggles with obedience, choose one of these stories to read out loud.
How to make character building preschool Bible lessons more interesting?
Young children love hands-on activities where they can get creative and explore. How about adding some arts and crafts, or science experiments to your preschool Bible lessons? Here are some ideas:
- Make beautiful, handmade thank you notes to teach gratefulness
- Cook a simple meal for a sick friend or neighbor to teach kindness.
- Do a crystal growing experiment to learn patience
- Push some heavy, block filled trolleys to understand the importance of forgiveness.
How do I make time for this in my day?
It may seem overwhelming at first, but some planning can make your character building preschool Bible lessons go more smoothly. Here are a few steps on how to achieve this:
- Carve out small chunks of time in order to add preschool Bible lessons to your child’s life. How about once a week, after lunch? Or twice a week, just before bedtime?
- Focus on one particular character trait for a few weeks. Spend enough time so that your child understands and begins practicing that trait more regularly.
- Find and collect resources for the trait of your choice. Identify stories, verses and passages to read out aloud. Google a few simple activities to do. It is always good to have a few extra ideas so that you have some options if your child does not like something.
- Be consistent – don’t miss any opportunity to remind your child about the trait in focus. For example, if you are focusing on self-control– don’t ignore any temper tantrums your preschooler may have. Instead gently remind your preschooler about God’s word or the story you read aloud in recent preschool Bible lessons.
An example of a preschool Bible lesson on Kindness
Verses for memorization:
Proverbs 12:25 “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”
Proverbs 11:16-17 “A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth. Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.”
Story ideas:
“David, Abigail and Nabal” Read 1 Samuel 25:2-42 and Psalm 94:1-2
“Love your enemies” Read Luke 6:27-36 and 1 John 3:16-18.
Activity ideas:
Kindness flag – Make a little flag that reminds your preschooler to be kind. On one side of a rectangular piece of paper, ask your child to paste or draw their picture. They can also write their name – whatever letters they know. On the other side, you can write a memory verse. Get your child to stick the paper on a dowel rod or straw to complete their flag.
Droopy plants – Give your child two potted plants. For a few days, let him water one and ignore the other. Explain how the plant that received kindness blossomed, while the one that did not started drooping.