In today’s hectic life time is considered as important as money. Most of the professionals find it hard to strike a balance between personal and work life. But for career growth it is mandatory to keep one up-to-date with latest information relevant to respective job profile and hence micro learning could be very effective as it saves considerable amount of time and effort. From the employer’s perspective also it is immensely beneficial as along with employees’ growth the organization’s growth and retention is also ensured.
Significance of micro learning
Micro learning is small pieces of information instead of whole content in a single piece. Today’s workforce demands constant learning and development of human resources to keep the business growing. But it’s a challenge for most of the organizations as these resources are already overwhelmed with their work related information so how to feed new knowledge to the already occupied brain. Here micro learning comes into play as study shows that feeding pieces of information in a consistent low frequency can help to memorize better than whole big content.
Ease of use
With the technological advancement micro lesson can be accessed conveniently from any smartphone as per the preferred location of the user. The courses are of only few minutes duration as most of the learner lost patience after 30 minutes of studying and feel frustrated. The content is designed as such the learner remains engaged and entertained throughout the course. The main objective of micro learning is to focus on the specific requirements of the organization and keep it short and interactive. This new approach of training workforce is becoming favorites of many organizations as the impact is quite evident.
Tips for choosing eLearning provider
Micro learning is immensely beneficial tool that has helped to change the perception of learning and encourages the employee’s for exploring new ideas and knowledge that helps to boost their career growth. It is the responsibility of the employers to choose a right eLearning provider for maximum outcome and thus consider few factors beforehand:
- Affordable- As the micro learning is less time consuming than normal eLearning thus chose a provider that provides multiplatform flexibility at affordable cost.
- Impactful- As the large content is divided into small pieces of maximum five minutes cycle thus the content should have strong impact and visually attractive for better retention of knowledge.
- Personalized learning- Deliver the content as per individual’s requirement and level of understanding.