If you are planning to do MBA from a reputed institution, then you must be preparing for the CAT exam. As we know, it is an aptitude based test only for checking the ability of the student to grab the knowledge and are their skills at par to enter one of the biggest universities of India for MBA studies, which is IIM. To get an admission in any of the IIM branches, it is compulsory to crack the IIMCAT exam, and IIM has released its list of patters and marking schemes which need to be followed this year for the CAT 2019 pattern.
The CAT registrations had already been completed from August to September this year, and the participating students are just concentrating on the syllabus curriculum to study for 2019 CAT.
This is an insight into the CAT 2019 marking scheme:
- Same as the last three years, there will be 100 questions of different categories that will check the aptitude of a student and will measure their abilities in every aspect of the MBA program.
- There will be three different sections, namely VARC, which will have 34 questions, DILR, which will have 32 questions and QA, which will have 34 questions in the test paper.
- VARC is the VERBAL Ability and Reading Comprehension test, which checks the reading and spoken English abilities of the candidate.
- DILR is the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning test, which checks the analyzing abilities of the candidate.
- QUANT/QA is the Quantitative test which checks the mathematical knowledge of a candidate.
- The whole test will carry 300 marks in total.
- The bifurcation of the marks will be dependent on the question.
- Questions will be both MCQ based and NON-MCQ based.
- The difficulty levels also vary for the different categories, VARC will be fairly easy to moderate, DILR will be Moderate to difficult, and the QA section will be more difficult in comparison to the other two.
- The marking will be done in such a way that every wrong answer will give you a -1 marking, and every correct answer will give you a +3 marking.
- You will get 1 hour, e. 60 minutes, to complete a particular section, whether it will be VAARC, DILR, or QA.
- The language of the question paper will be English only.
- There will be a total of 72+ questions which will be eligible for the negative marking and can give you a -1 if you give a wrong answer. These are the MCQ questions.
- There will be 28+ questions that will not be eligible for negative marking and will not fetch you a -1 if you answer wrong in these questions. These will be the objective type questions or NON-MCQ
- VARC will have 24 questions that are eligible for the negative marking, which will be based on Reading Comprehension.
- It will have ten questions, which will have no negative marking, and these will be based on Verbal Ability.
- DILR will have 16 questions on Data interpretation and 16 questions on Logical Reasoning, and among these, eight questions from Data Interpretation and questions from Logical Reasoning will be eligible for the negative marking.
- The final section, which is Quantitative Ability will have 34 questions in total from which 24 questions will be eligible for the negative marking, and the other 10 NON-MCQ’s will not be eligible for any negative marking.
- The VARC will have 5 RC passages. All 24 MCQ questions will be based on these passages.
- The Verbal Ability questions will have a mix of MCQ and NON-MCQ questions. These will be covering three major topics- Paragraph summary, choosing the odd one out from a series of jumbled sentences, and a jumbled up paragraph.
- In the DILR section, there will be 16 questions based on Data Interpretation and 16 questions based on Logical reasoning, and the questions will be given in a set of 4. It tends to be more time consuming than the other two sections.
- The Quantitative Ability section will have all Arithmetic questions relating to Time and Speed, Working days, Compound interest, Percentages, and so on.
Know all about CAT exam important details such as dates, registration, admit card and syllabus here https://www.shiksha.com/mba/cat-exam