We all consume a wide variety of commodities while producing rubbish. The amount of rubbish is growing year by year. By preventing the generation of rubbish, it is possible to reduce the annual amounts of rubbish and at the same time the inconveniences and costs caused by rubbish.
- Rubbish reduction, sorting and recycling save energy, natural resources and rubbish management costs.
The Right Prevention
We can prevent rubbish by changing the way we produce less rubbish. When less rubbish is generated, the disadvantages caused by the rubbish are reduced at the same time. While sorting and recycling should not be forgotten, recycling is not about preventing the generation of rubbish, because the rubbish that ends up for recycling has already been generated. The rubbish removal Sydney service is perfect there.
- Reduce unnecessary consumption and favor long-lasting, repairable products.
- Avoid packaging materials and buy reusable packaging.
- For infrequently used products, consider sharing, borrowing, or renting.
Recycle yourself useless stuff among acquaintances or sell at flea markets
- Sort clothes for recycling, bio rubbish composter, paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastic for beneficial collection, etc.
According to the Rubbish Act, all activities should aim to minimize the generation of rubbish. There are many ways to try to influence rubbish generation and human behavior. In the end, however, each of us can only change our own habits and reduce only the amount of rubbish we produce ourselves. We are all responsible for our own choices.You can compost bio rubbish. However, composting must not be harmful to health or the environment. Take special care that pests do not get into the compost! For more tips on composting, see the composting instructions.
The Right Options
You know that the disposal of rubbish by incineration is prohibited. However, you can burn untreated timber, twigs, twigs and small amounts of paper and cardboard during heating, e.g. in a central heating boiler.
- Outside the urban area, dry twigs, twigs, straw and logging residues, for example, can be burned as open fire. However, this must not be harmful to smoke, soot, odor or health.
- Rubbish management practices and regulations vary from municipality to municipality. Some municipalities may also have their own garden rubbish collection points, for example. In the Rubbish Management in Different Municipalities section, you will find municipality-specific information on, among other things, rubbish reception locations, rubbish management accession practices and rubbish management supervision.
According to the rubbish management regulations, the obligation to sort rubbish is the same for all residential properties except bio rubbish. The method of collection and the location of the collection containers depend on the number of apartments in the property.
Rubbish is always generated where it is lived and that is why rubbish management is property-specific. On a property used in your free time, it is a good idea to arrange rubbish management at once so that everyday life goes smoothly and you do not have to bother with rubbish.
Alternatively, summer residents can deliver garbage bags from the cottage to the rubbish station for a regional collection point fee if there are no regional collection points in the area or the nearest point is farther from the property than the rubbish station.