Do students really need math tuition when they have extra remedial or supplementary math classes in school? The short answer to this is “yes”, primary math tuition center Singapore lessons give several benefits over that of remedial classes in school. However, parents should note that these benefits are not always obvious and can be easily overlooked. Additionally, depending on the quality or teaching methodology of the tuition center, these benefits may or may not be applicable. In this article, we aim to raise awareness of the incremental value that math tuition classes offer amongst parents.
The first benefit is that of holistic mental development beyond that of merely formula application, by treating students as actual mathematicians. As strange as this may seem, the key to achieving this lies in not starting a topic with the formula to be applied but rather broad concepts that describe the problem to be solved. When students are not presented with a formula at the start, they are forced to consider the overall problem at hand and to string together variables and reasons in order to begin solving. In return, students develop not just a stronger conceptual understanding of the topic, but a logical capability required for solving tougher mathematics questions.
Another aspect that math tuition classes can explore more freely is that of relating lesson content to real life. Students get more excited about learning a topic when they are able to see the impact of the knowledge gained or to apply it to their daily activities. This removes the frustrating abstractness of mathematics and gives an extra bit of motivation to students to learn. An example of real life application may lie in area measurement and problem solving. Instead of giving a hypothetical question of how large a farmer’s field is on paper, tutors can get students to measure the actual size of the classroom wall, deduce the area of the room and explain how long an average individual would take to walk around the circumference without actually doing so.
The third benefit comes from improving setback handling capability and complimentary problem solving techniques. Rather than provide the right answer from the get go, the increased amount of time resource in tuition centers allow tutors to facilitate a productive struggle amongst students. This is done by providing as little information as possible while retaining a sufficient amount for students to remain productive. The consequent grappling of ambiguity and incremental build on initial ideas teaches students to not be overwhelmed by a challenging question. Instead, they learn to break it down and to solve one level at a time, taking what is given and building on it. In the long run, this helps students beyond just math exams at their current level, empowering them to challenge subjects such as physics and chemistry at secondary school level.